figurative tattoos

– Vamtam Themes


Highly artistic images that look as realistic as possible.


You can make figurative tattoos inexpensively in our salon.


Tattoos are available in all sizes. The choice is up to the client.

Figurative tattoos Vancouver - realistic to the maximum

If you are interested in figurative tattoos in Vancouver, you can contact our salon. We have a master who can create highly artistic images with the highest level of realism. You can choose absolutely any option. The main thing is that you like it. The procedure is carried out using modern instruments, as well as high-quality materials. It is important that a professional master is engaged in applying a tattoo that is complex in its characteristics. The prices of figurative tattoos in our salon, despite the level of skill, are available to a wide range of clients.

figurative tattoos

Figurative tattoos features


Beautiful figurative tattoos are an art direction. The features of the pictures applied to the body are the presence of:

  • Main object, figure;
  • Increased degree of similarity.

That is, the depicted object, the figure should have the maximum similarity with how they look in real life. In most cases, these are exclusive, individual images. Often they can even be whole pictures. There is an opinion that only a person should act as an object. But if you correctly understand the essence of the artistic direction, then it can be, for example, an animal, but it must be completely similar to the original that lives in nature.

The level of difficulty in creating realistic tattoos is quite high. Accordingly, the master must have artistic skills, be an artist. But the average artist works with materials that are much easier to create any kind of drawings. The tattoo artist has to work with a very unusual "material" - leather. And he needs to have slightly different skills that will allow him to create a masterpiece that can satisfy the client.